About us

Intergo is a private company founded in 1998 by passionate and committed clinicians, Isabelle Gagné, CCPE Certified Ergonomist, and Élaine Tremblay, Occupational Therapist, who wanted to develop a practice in their image. Therefore, they established a work organization that combines optimal quality standards, a practice based on scientific evidence and a human and personalized approach.

Working together

This slogan has been greatly thought out by all members of our team and shareholders. Even our clients have been involved in this process to represent what motivates us daily. All our actions and decisions are guided by the concern to ensure a collective well-being. However, we encourage individual support from everyone to achieve this. We are deeply convinced that occupational health and safety requires the proactive involvement of all stakeholders, from the employee to the employer, to health professionals, to insurers. Combining our efforts and working together for the benefit of all.

The Intergo approach

With fundamental values undeniably oriented towards the richness of human relations, respect and integrity, both from the point of view of our clients and our employees, Intergo's primary mission remains the promotion and maintenance of the health of its clients to reduce the human and financial impact of disability at work :

  • Recognized expertise in training, ergonomics and rehabilitation as a leader in occupational health;
  • People in the field, eager to understand the challenges of your organization and to respectfully integrate with your managers, advisors and employees;
  • A team of experienced professionals, attentive to your needs, who will give you a "clear picture" to facilitate your decision-making;
  • Early detection of the health issues and problems involved, aimed at keeping workers employed and reducing the duration and impacts of work stoppages;
  • Personalized interventions prioritizing action and the achievement of results;
  • A rigorous and objective practice focused on the latest scientific evidence combined with a human and personalized approach.

Do you need an occupational therapist, ergonomist, kinesiologist, psychologist or physiotherapist?

We will be able to assign you a qualified and specialized health professional who will specifically meet your needs, thanks to our expanded team, all under one roof, allowing us to combine our interventions with many resources.

We serve the clientele of workers from CNESST, SAAQ, insurers, privately or via their employer directly.